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I Am Also a We. A Look Back at Sense8.

Netflix has many amazing original shows and movies but, in my humble opinion, Sense8 is the most underrated of these. Diverse, action packed, and all round awesome; it's a wonderful character driven show that deserved so much better, so I'm here to briefly give it the hype it deserves.

Sense8 is packed to the rafters with diverse representation, from gay men of colour to a transwoman played by an actual transwoman; more specifically, the incredible Jamie Clayton. Locations in the show also cover continents through its core group of characters from Africa to Asia, and Europe to North America, so the show is visually stunning; among the best I've seen.

This is a ground-breaking show that does not in any way shy away from queer sexuality. The first time we meet Nomi her and girlfriend Amanita are enjoying San Francisco pride to the fullest, shall we say. Sense8 also features intense orgy sequences and a fair amount of full frontal nudity. It is a no holding back expression of sexuality that doesn't feel exploitative, demeaning, or like a cheap trick used to titillate the audience. It feels authentic.

Fans all over the world saw themselves reflected in at least one of the shows eight main characters (Nomi, Will, Capheus, Wolfgang, Sun, Karla, Lito, and Riley) or one of the many vital side characters, such as Amanita or Hernando. Everyone had someone they could relate to. These characters come together from across the world encompassing different races, sexualities, and backgrounds to create a beautiful chosen family; leading to a show that promoted love, acceptance, and hope. Sense8 was the show that put the diverse stories of minorities at its forefront, and that's why fans were so heartbroken when news of its cancellation broke.

Sense8 had two full length seasons before it was cancelled. Instead of sitting back and accepting their fate, the fans of the show (Sensates, if you will) created a huge social media campaign demanding a final movie length episode to tie up the story and give fans and the cast the ending that they deserve. It is safe to say that this campaign was successful; on 8th June 2018 the Sense8 finale dropped on Netflix, and what a finale it was. Don't worry, I'm not going to include spoilers - mostly because Emma who checks over my writing hasn't seen it yet! She doesn’t want it to end, which I think all fans can relate too. But anyway, the finale is spectacular. It was a fitting end to such an original show. There's really not much more I can say without spoiling it but it is well worth the watch, trust me.

So if you find yourself searching Netflix looking for your latest binge watch, I can not recommend Sense8 enough. It has everything: beautiful locations, enticing stories, and incredible and complex characters. I wish we had more seasons to enjoy, but I'm mostly just glad that we had this show to begin with.

- Sara

Sense8 is available to watch on Netflix.

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